Preparation is essential to pass this BCC Exam.
There aren’t very many programs available that we can find to help candidates prepare for the BCC exam. With BCC’s new “coaching behaviors” published late in 2024, there is a new multiple choice exam being introduced in July 2025. This in-depth 3.5-hour preparatory workshop dives into the BCC competencies and Code of Conduct. We offer it only two times a year.
Here is what we cover in the session:
- Brief Overview of Qualifications
- Broad Overview of Exam
- Overview of the NEW Competency Domains
- Detailed Review of Each of the new Competency Sections
- Other Preparation Resources
- BCC Recertification: Continuing Education requirements
Overview of Qualifications for Board Certified Coach (BCC)
Professional Coach Training and Experience Hours vary by education level and counseling license held. Requirements for each of the 7 education levels are available here:
Let’s put a successful BCC Exam in your rearview mirror!