Great program, great mentor coaching afterward! I am not a morning person, so having to attend a group mentor coaching session at 8 am Monday mornings was not something I was looking forward to. But after the first session with Meg, I was hooked. Her enthusiasm was extremely uplifting and it was a great way to start my day and week.

Along the way, we all had a few technical issues. But Meg was always gracious, regardless if our image was too bright, too dark, too blurry, or just not there but a voice speaking from the beyond.
She dealt with interruptions from others graciously. I wondered how she could stay focused on all that went around, but she did.

Whenever we made mistakes she tactfully guided us. She always gave us time to share, ask questions or just simply vent about clients and used those opportunities as teachable moments to benefit everyone.

The mentor group coaching was a safe environment to share, develop relationships with our colleagues and reaffirm the coaching competencies. This was thanks to Meg’s genuine concern for each person.

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